Kelea’s Log

Welcome back. This is the overview of what is happening…

  • TOP Priorities –> first outdoor comp completed!
  • Curiosities –> creating seminars up North
  • Reading –> Tools of the Titans by Tim Ferris… so big. Now at page 528 0f 674
  • Remember to breathe!

My LOG is below with the latest entry on top… but you can decide if you want to jump to the first entry a the bottom of this page.  If you wish to explore what this site is about then try here.

12 May –> First competition outside was beautiful. Weather was one of the best days I have ever had for a comp. It is really interesting seeing how I am adjusting to training after really not doing so much for a few years. This comp was 144 arrows and today my arms are not talking to me anymore but I am happy with my performance. Also it was really nice to meet some of the archers from around Sweden. There will be many more competitions to come.

6 May –> Mondays are very heavy sometimes. Today was huge for me but in a good way. My business plan has gone in for approval so I am very curious what will happen next. Moving countries is hard. So many steps. But this one should be a good one. Updates to follow soon.

29 April –> Self-talk matters. What words are you using when describing your To Do lists, projects and things floating around in your mind? Too often, we wish upon star hoping that something will happen, then get deflated when nothing does. Rewards need effort and that takes action. Stop wishing and start doing.

25 April –> Back to shooting 50 meters outside. Felt great. Need some new arrows but still had a best end of 54!

21 April –> If you think willpower is your number one issue, then you could choose to read The Willpower Instinct… or not. It just depends on what you believe is blocking you from greatness.

19 April –> When you are having a tough time to do the big things (which do need to be done)… re-adjust your over-whelming to do list into a little tiny step which you can do now. A little bit today is ok.

18 April –> Training is so much easier when there is no snow! Less than a month to go before the first comp. Arrows are flying well. An interesting question regarding coaching came up last night… not yet sure of the right answer. Time will tell.

25 March –> Another book finished and a new one begun. I so much prefer going to the library compared to the mall! Today’s post is about the best book ever… can you guess what it is?

19 March –> I have been able to shoot outside already even though there was still some snow. There are eight weeks before my first comp so concentration is on endurance and keeping warm! If you are still stuck inside then try this game of A Zillion Targets.

14 March –> Today is the day for some serious play. My archers have been scared to do this one for the first time, but then they start having fun and actually want to do it every month. Enjoy! This is not for beginners.

12 March –> Tic Tac Toe is an easy archery game to set up. Sometimes you just need something quick to change up all the technique training.

11 March –> Another day, another game. I still have about 30 games for archery training that I need to write up and post here but today is about Archery Golf. Hope you enjoy.

7 March –> The best way for me to compete is to get a little annoyed. This sensation also helps to write a blog post pretty quickly, hence this little gem comes out today about Psychobabble.  I am still slowly going through Titans, but I managed to finish this other book this morning and added to the Library.

5 March –>How much fun do you have while training? For me, every archery session should bring a smile to my face. It should feel like play. Here is The Happy Zone Game to get you started.

 4 March –> Today has not gone as expected so here is the resulting post 😉 I have also figured out that the appearance of the site changes the side bar navigation to the page bottom while viewing on a mobile. This makes it harder for people to get around the sections so I need to adapt a bit.

1 March –> The expansion of PROOF has reached 11,504 words which is kinda cool. It has been a cut and pasted from the previous posts on KQ spanning 10 years. This also means things are very jumpy and the flow is not great but it is a good first draft. I have also updated a few posts with their proper book category. I will keep adding to the Library more and more now as I see I need it for me. If you do not know Kondo then this is your chance.

29 February –> Added a dashboard to the top of the log page. This is to show priorities while the log will be more of a record with links to new posts as they come. I want to keep a history of what I am doing while having an ‘in your face’ way of showing what interests me today. Sometimes the first image will change depending on what else is going on.

28 February –> How do you begin your day? Do you have a morning routine? Here is mine…. I call it TEXY. Need to add the PROOF Mini as well as the TARGET Planners… so much to do.

25 February –> Debating the log or at least it’s front position. Maybe it needs to be exchanged for the current blog link position?? Switiching back to have it as the home page again. Added a bunch of links in the sidebar. Hoping that readers can find stuff. Will be adding more of the planners and instructions as an easy access.


17 January –> When you do something good, do you replay it over in your mind? How about when it is bad? If you are going to track gratefulness/thankfulness in your journal, then take a look to see if this reframing can help you on your journey.

5 January –> A little trip down to the South of Sweden caused some extra heartbeats. It is incredible what happens when you are challenged to your limits. Yes it is scary but you do come out with a new outlook on what to do next. Self-Coaching Thru a Snow Storm

2 January –> Happy 2024! As we are all choosing new targets for this New Year, understand that the goals of others may not be the right ones for you. We should all have unique targets so take the time to figure out what matters for you before you take aim. Do not waste your shot. Know Your Target


27 December –> Still not getting what I want in the themes… frustrating but I am learning more about WP everyday. Let’s see what this one feels like… Lots of clean up done. 50 Challenges have been numbered and the feature post images have been deleted. All CATs and TAGs are being redone very slowly. Really cool to read my older posts from 10 years ago. I want to be doing that kind of writing again.

26 December –>  Theme change and some deletions to make the site even more minimal. Really do not want all those features which are possible… just want to see my stuff. If you are digging then that is great. Hope you find what you need. I have some drafts for the front page and will be playing around to see what I like. It astounds me that WP has so little in classic customization options. Scrolling through posts is so funny as to what this theme shows… I will try to make it easier with more formatting. :O This theme does not show excerpts by default so I get to add <read more> buttons to everything…

25 December –> Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that Santa was good to you.

20 December –> Just had a little thought about time while cooking some pasta. What is key ingredient to time management? I have been looking at other journal set ups to help understand more about time blocking and this thought occurred. How much time is necessary? The pasta needed 8.5 minutes.

18 December –> All those little changes add up. Some good some bad but always know that change will happen. You cannot fight it. Be joyful when you have some good stuff and be brave when it is time to change out the bad.

14 December –> Continuing the series of archery posts… here is my most important decision.

13 December –> Stockholm is wonderful at Christmas. So is not taking your computer! After so many years of being on small islands, a big city is definitely a change of scenery. I visited another library and found out about Codex Gigas. Now that I am back in the forest, my attention has been focused on a little question… What is the one most important thing to get right in archery? If you had to choose one thing – maybe not the first thing – but something that if it doesn’t work then your shot doesn’t stand a chance… I will post my response tomorrow but for now you can think about what matters to you.

5 December –> This Log is most important for showing new stuff on the site so I have switched it back to the home page and changed the little navigation symbol in the header to be the elongated menuSOS has been added back into the menu page and it will be expanded going forward. The intro for Coaching Ethics has been created and it will be a forever project to expand it as time goes on. I have had another visit to the awesome Swedish library and just finished The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason. I am trying to get through some classics this winter.

30 November –> Challenges have been grouped and hopefully will be easier to track with a new intro post and slowly reviewing all the covid posts too. There is now an updated inventory list for performers. A few more clean up deletions too so I am finding dead links once in a while. And to anyone who is overwhelmed in their current situation, please try to get outside into nature as it has healing powers which are truly magical.

29 November –> more FIKA and I need to apologize to those getting the post emails as there are many more than usual since I am converting some pages into posts. I will also be changing the topic of coaching into posts specifically regarding ethics. Any of the performance info – no matter which sport – will be tagged under archery with sorted categories of technique, equipment, mental, physical and optimization. I have also pulled out some posts from the Library category as I want to make it a reference place only for external materials.

28 November –> adding to FIKA today. And refining some of the navigation. I am doing this for me rather than the reader so I can have better tracking for my books. It will make sense in the future but right now I am trying to arrange 10 years of posts which is a little messy. Excuse any bad links or empties while I am moving stuff around.

27 November –> Let’s learn some Swedish. My FIKA Project has started… it is added to everything else I am doing for coaching and archery but the language stuff needs a place to call home. These are my first few days in Sweden so there are many things which are extremely different to me here. Today I even woke up to snow!

25 November –> A little tweaking of menu area and expanding the topics to be covered. Links will start going in as the posts get re-tagged into the new system.

24 November –> I have now moved to a new country… again. This is my tenth time and hopefully it will go better than the last two! Moving is never easy. This time means a new language too although English will be used very often. I am excited to explore this new geography and learn the history of this place. My ToDo List is enormous so I am just taking it one day at a time. Huge thank yous to Embassy staff and immigration officials for getting me to my new home.

12 November –> Layouts, formatting, tags and categories… oh such fun. When there are so many little things to be done, the only plan of action is to do one thing at a time… and have homemade waffles. I would post a pix but they disappeared already.

11 November –> Still on layout design of the newest theme (Independent Publisher 2). Deleted top menu and created a page which has an overview of the site. More links will be added once created but I am hoping it will make thing clearer when someone first lands on the site.

10 November –> Formatting is not going well at all. I am not impressed with the block styling or the customizer. All the images have to be reformatted… At least there is a little sunshine over the fjord today. Gotta grab the good vibes when possible. Just changed theme again… tomorrow will be more formatting but at least I can use the classic editor again. FYI theme is called Independent Publisher 2

9 November –> Here we go again. Themes changes suck. This one is called MENU. Let’s see if I can make this one work in the next couple of days or else it will change again. Biggest issue is the block editor for the page setups and no longer seeing access to control the menu items like before… selecting categories and tags. After more than 10 years, it was the easiest part after deciding which theme to try. Making posts and pages appear in some logical fashion is the goal for the day.

2 October –> Waiting is the hardest part. Knowing that so many changes are about to happen but nothing more can be done except waiting creates so many emotions. Patience is needed. How your mind plays with time is absolutely bizarre.

19 August —> Researching takes time. As I am making big decisions right now regarding the direction of my book, I find myself getting lost. I really love this. This is real growth

4 August –> What if you said yes to something which you thought before was impossible? Very often we accept things because we think that there is no other option. No matter how we came to that first decision, we must always understand the background and all the why’s that came before. We cannot get upset for not knowing something previously. The only possible advice is allowing life to change when needed as we learn new things. Some decisions are for a lifetime while others can change in a moment without warning… and that is ok.

3 August –> In one day, everything can change.

21 July –> I changed something on this log. I saw that people have been landing here and I decided that the timeline needs to be reversed. Now the latest post is on top with a link to the first entry on the bottom.  Also, I had an idea about fitted sheets…

17 July –> Today I got a little inspiration from something written more than 100 years ago. Very cool. If you like old books, libraries and rethinking about what makes us tick, then try this new post… Magnetised to the Ideal.

14 July –>Wouldn’t it be nice to have a magic pill which gave you all the information you wanted instantly… or maybe just one book or video that clearly put the facts together logically then inspired you to take whatever actions necessary to improve? One source that was right and then you just knew… Anyone familiar with rabit holes knows that this is not possible but it is nice to dream.

12 July —> A very nice thing happened yesterday which proves karma exists 😉 It will be so much better soon. Today is another rabit hole… very interesting and reminds me of all those years of studying Poli Sci at Uni. If any super powers were possible then it would be to absorb information since every time I learn something new I realize how much I don’t know at all.

6 July —> loads of energy for the archery club. Still such a struggle to get training for members (the roof was destroyed during the February storms). It is now evident that the temporary solutions will exist a little longer due to insurance issues. I really hope that the members will find inspiration to keep going even if we don’t have an ideal training area.

4 July —> I had one of those breakthroughs this morning which was absolutely fabulous! So many things aligned. This is so cool.

30 June –> consolidated all of the Monthly 30 Arrow Challenges into one page… There were 12 posts for 2021 with all the results and comments but now they are all listed together. Also, updated the Icelandic Statement…again. It is still very sad to think about everything that happened back then.

29  June  –> started this log. There is a book I read a while back called Show Your Work by Austin Kleon. (I might do a review but for now that is his page). I was still living in Monaco and had a very different perspective on coaching than I do today. He advises creatives (and anyone else) to track their process as they muddle through their days. I have lots of ideas that I keep in notebooks, but as I sometimes write like a doctor, some of those ideas get lost. I am trying to find a better way to to collect my thoughts so maybe this will be it. Writing posts becomes too slow as I want them to be a certain way… so this log will become a jumble of thoughts, mini notes and reminders as I ‘fix’ my site and refocus on being an archer again.

28 June –> updating archer and about pages with some old photos and scores from my competitions. I will keep adding to these pages as I return to the circuit. This pix is from Germany during a training session with very evil mosquitoes.

25 June –> changed the theme. What a headache! Multiple themes were attempted but as I have a Premium plan, it meant only some themes were available even though they were listed as free. A lot of time was wasted figuring out set up then going to install and getting an error message because I wasn’t on the Business Plan. This current theme is called Afterlight on WordPress (link to start). I have been using WP for more than 15 years so I know how to do set ups. Each theme is a little different and I wanted something unique so I chose Afterlight. Let’s see how it goes.

First entry…

24 May 2023 –> I decided to make a shift today. This site will be revamped and hopefully reflect a better way of getting some information into a clearer format. In case you stumbled here, this is my intro as a coach and as an archer.